Monday, June 4, 2012

baby update

I know it has been forever since I've updated.  I really hope to get back into the swing of blogging after Nicholaus Christian joins our family!  I love having the blog for memories.

We are still waiting on our baby boy.  I am 38 1/2 weeks today!  This pregnancy has felt so much faster than my last one.  I went to the doctor this morning and not a lot has changed with my progress.  I am 2cm dilated, but our little guy is still up there pretty high.  Last week, she told me she would induce 4 days after my due date on June 18th.  Today, I asked her if she would consider a June 11th (a week from today) induction.  June 11th would have been my grandma's 76th birthday.  I would love it if Christian and Mawmaw shared the same special day!

She told me to come back this Friday for a check, and if I have made more progress, she would consider the 11th.  I am going to be doing some serious praying, and would love it if you would join me!  I know the 11th will be an extremely difficult day for our family, so I think it would great to turn it into something so special.

We can't wait to meet our sweet baby boy!!!  In the meantime, I will be doing lots of walking to try to get baby Christian to move down a little lower!  :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

baby on the way!

          It's hard to believe that I will be 17 weeks pregnant tomorrow and this is my first post on this pregnancy!  Geesh!

           We are thrilled to be adding a new bundle of joy to our family!  Big sister, Adalynn is very excited!  She is always talking to, kissing, and hugging the baby.  She says that when the baby gets here, she will change diapers, give it bottles, hold it, and tell it shhhh when it cries.  :)

Here is an ultrasound photo from around 12 weeks.  Only 3 more weeks til the big ultrasound.  Can't wait!

          I am finally starting to feel better!  I have had terrible morning sickness this time around (occurring mostly at night) that has lasted until 16 weeks.   I am glad to see that go and hope it stays gone!

          Other than the nausea, I have felt pretty good.  I think my energy level has been better this time than the first.  I remember feeling so tired with Adalynn like I could hardly move sometimes.  I haven't had much of that this time.  Maybe because even if I don't want to move, I still have to keep up with little lady!  :)

           June 14th is my official due date.  However, I won't put much stock in that this time.  I saw my due date come and go with Adalynn so I am mentally preparing to have that happen again.

           We feel incredibly blessed and are so excited!

Christmas 2011

          We had a wonderful Christmas filled with spending time with family, eating great food, and most importantly, celebrating Jesus' birth!  On Friday, we attended a wonderful service at church.  We love that Christmas Eve Eve service! 

          We made two stops on Christmas Eve.  The first was Nick's parents to celebrate with his family.  After that, we headed to my brother and SIL's house to celebrate with my family.

Oliver opening up a present.

Adalynn got some Princess Barbies!  Just what she said she wanted!  :)

Will loved this Cookie Monster!

          On Christmas Eve night, we readied the house for the Santa and his reindeer.  We woke up to find out Christmas morning that he had come!

Adalynn was thrilled to find this Pink Barbie Jeep that he left in the kitchen!

He also left Princess dress up clothes which she was excited to try on!

This Princess art kit has turned out to be one of her favorite things, and has kept her quite busy!

More goodies!

Stocking time!

         After Adalynn had some time to play with all her new toys, we headed to my parents for Christmas brunch.  We took the new Jeep, and all had a great time watching Adalynn and Will riding around in it.

Ready, set, go!

Riding off into the sunset!

         We felt extremely blessed this Holiday season and look forward to all of the exciting things to come in the New Year!  We wish you and your family a wonderful 2012!

gingerbread house

A couple of days before Christmas, Uncle Mikey came over to help Adalynn build a gingerbread house!  She was so excited!

Here's the duo devising their plan.

She loved all of the little candies the kit came with.

Putting the finishing touches on the roof.

Posing with their finished product!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

first day of school

Adalynn attended her first day of school ever today!  We recently found out that Grace Lutheran Preschool offers a class for 2-year-olds.  They go one day a week for three hours.  She was on the waiting list for a while, and then they called last week saying they had a spot for her!  That's where I went to preschool so it's kinda funny.  Adalynn has been SO excited about starting school. 

Here are some pics from our big girl's first day!

She was ready to go with her backpack.

She loves the childcare at church so much that I wasn't really worried about her crying or not wanting to get dropped off.  Luckily, I was right!  She marched right in and started playing with the kids and toys.

I was so impressed with the amount of things they did today with ten 2-year-olds in her class.  They have a calendar time, crafts, lesson (today, the shape was a heart), project to go along with the lesson, center time, bible time, and they made Native American head dresses and necklaces!  They also dressed each of the kids as a part of the nativity scene, posed them, and took their pictures.  Adalynn said she was an angel.  They make the pictures into Christmas cards to sell as a fundraiser for the school.  I can't wait to see them!

I can't believe our girl is getting so big!  She amazes us everyday!

Monday, October 17, 2011

fall bargains

A few weeks ago, I went to the Little Treasures Consignment Sale in New Albany.  I found some of the cutest things there for Addy.  Barely worn for only a couple dollars a piece.  Miss Addy sported some of her new finds to church the past couple of weeks.  This mama is a huge fan of deals!

She looks so grown up in this picture.  I can't even get over it!

Sweet girl!

pumpkin patch

A couple of weekends ago, we went to Huber's to get some pumpkins!  The weather was great that day, and it was a spur of the moment trip.  We didn't have a lot of time to spend there, but Miss Addy loved the wagon ride!

Daddy and Addy on the wagon.

Mommy and Addy on the wagon.

Addy in the patch!  Let's just pretend there are pumpkins in this picture.  :)  Didn't actually snap any on our trip to the pumpkin patch.  haha