Monday, June 4, 2012

baby update

I know it has been forever since I've updated.  I really hope to get back into the swing of blogging after Nicholaus Christian joins our family!  I love having the blog for memories.

We are still waiting on our baby boy.  I am 38 1/2 weeks today!  This pregnancy has felt so much faster than my last one.  I went to the doctor this morning and not a lot has changed with my progress.  I am 2cm dilated, but our little guy is still up there pretty high.  Last week, she told me she would induce 4 days after my due date on June 18th.  Today, I asked her if she would consider a June 11th (a week from today) induction.  June 11th would have been my grandma's 76th birthday.  I would love it if Christian and Mawmaw shared the same special day!

She told me to come back this Friday for a check, and if I have made more progress, she would consider the 11th.  I am going to be doing some serious praying, and would love it if you would join me!  I know the 11th will be an extremely difficult day for our family, so I think it would great to turn it into something so special.

We can't wait to meet our sweet baby boy!!!  In the meantime, I will be doing lots of walking to try to get baby Christian to move down a little lower!  :)


  1. So glad things are going well and you are so close to the end. I'll definitely be praying for that date for you. God is so good and loves to bring life and goodness out of tragedy. Can't wait to meet Christian! :)

  2. And glad you are blogging again! I love catching up with you!
